
Q1 2024

The project began with the inception phase, forming a skilled team, and initial fundraising efforts. Detailed planning and strategy sessions were conducted to lay a robust foundation. The team focused on defining the project scope and establishing key objectives. Initial resources were allocated, and essential partnerships were formed. Early team members brought diverse skills and expertise to the table.


Q2 2024

This phase saw the development of the core platform, the launch of the project website, and efforts to build a strong community. Key features and functionalities were developed with a user-friendly design. Community engagement initiatives started to foster a loyal following. Beta testing was initiated to gather user feedback and refine the platform. The focus was on creating a seamless user experience.


Q3 2024

The platform entered its beta release, undergoing rigorous security audits and forming strategic partnerships. Initial user feedback was crucial in refining the platform's functionalities. Efforts were made to enhance the platform’s capabilities through collaborations. Marketing campaigns aimed to attract a broader audience and increase platform visibility. The team worked diligently to ensure a smooth user experience.


Q4 2024

Official platform launch, coupled with intensive marketing campaigns and user onboarding processes, marked this phase. The platform's comprehensive onboarding process was designed to ensure a smooth user experience. Marketing efforts aimed to attract a wide user base and promote the platform's unique features. The team continued to refine the platform based on user feedback. Strategic partnerships were further developed to enhance platform offerings.


Q1 2025

The focus will be on expanding platform features, integrating user feedback, and organizing community events. New features will be introduced based on user feedback to enhance the user experience. Regular community events will be organized to keep the community engaged. The team will continue to work on improving the platform's functionalities. Efforts will be made to foster a supportive and active community.


Q2 2025

Decentralized Exchange (DEX) Launch: Launch the decentralized exchange to facilitate seamless token trading within the ecosystem.

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